- that the (nominated) dog/bitch be ten years old and/or deceased;
- that the dog/bitch holds multiple Best in Show or multiple Best in Trial/Winner of Winners Awards at All Breeds Shows/Trials and/or Specialty Shows/Trials;
- that the dog or bitch is a Challenge Certificate winner or Best in Trial winner at Royal Show/s; or
- for a stud dog, a minimum of ten (10) individual titled progeny;
- for a brood bitch, a minimum of five (5) titled progeny.
(Multiple means two (2) or more (1 June 1999)).
Australian Champion Kyvalley Kyva

DOB: 26 August 1959
Bred, owned and handled by Mr RH Philp
Sire: Benedict of Golconda – Dam: Aust Ch Bonspiel Gold Glint
Australian Champion Kyvalley Charming CD
DOB: 7 July 1965
Bred by Mr R H Philp
Sire: Ch Kyvalley Kyva – Dam: Ch Leoline Golden Leonie
Owned by: Mr and Mrs FT and BJ Hession
Multi All Breeds and Specialty Best In Show winner and Highest Score Obedience
Best Gundog Bitch Sydney Royal 1969
Australian Champion Wildheart Wenan UD
Australian Champion Goldenheath Madonna CDX
Owned by: Mrs K Bright and Mrs B Westbury
Sire: Aust Ch Kyvalley Kyva – Dam: Madonna of Yeo (imp UK)
Australian Champion Goldtreve Waterwisp UD
Breed by: F T and B J Hession
Owned by: Mr R H Philp (following his death in 1979 – Mrs D Hutcheson)
Sire: Aust Ch Kyvalley Kyva – Dam: Glennessa Waterwillow of Stenbury (Imp UK) Challenge Bitch and Highest Score in Obedience with a score of 199 1/2 – Sydney Royal
1978 BIG – RASKC Spring Fair (9 years of age)
1979 Challenge Bitch, Brisbane Royal (10 years of age)
1982 BIS: Golden Retriever Club Queensland (aged 13 years 3 months)
Australian Champion Buffalo Woodbuff
Bred and owned by: Mrs S Sullivan and Mrs S Patterson
Sire: Aust Ch Tick Tock Reddy – Dam: Aust Ch Kyvalley Golden Ellana
DOB: 17 December 1972
Bred and owned by: Mr and Mrs FT and BJ Hession
Sire: Byxfield Lindys Golden Gleam (imp UK) – Dam: Ch Kyvalley Charming CD
Multi Best in Show All Breeds
Challenge Bitch, Sydney Royal 1974
Challenge Bitch, Brisbane Royal 1975
Golden Retriever Club of New South Wales BIS winner and RUIS Winner 1974-75
Australian Champion Queenlee Debonair AOC QC
Bred, owned and handled by: Mrs N Bolton
DOB: 24 April 1975
Bred by: Mr and Mrs B Drake
Owned by: Mr and Mrs FT and BJ Hession
Sire: Montego Mesqual – Dam: Ch Inpack Brandy
Multi All Breeds and Specialty BIS winner
Multi challenge bitch Sydney and Canberra Royals
DOB: 15 December 1978
Bred by: Mrs J Bridges
Owned and handled by: Mrs J Trout – Karell Kennels
Sire: Stolford Sheriff – Dam: Ch Cambronze Melody
Australian Champion Goldtreve Cameron (AI)
DOB: 23 June 1979
Bred and owned by: Mr and Mrs FT and BJ Hession
Sire: Eng Ch Camrose Cabus Christopher (UK) – Dam: Ch Gaewynd Tapestry
Multi All Breed and Specialty BIS winner
Australian and New Zealand Champion Brygolden Oatly Tyrone
DOB: 17 June 1983
Bred by: Mrs K Bright and Mrs B Westbury
Owned by: Mr and Mrs M and P O’Sheehy
Sire: Ch Balandra Delta Darius UD – Dam: Ch Brygolden Madonna Mist CD
Australian Champion Buffalo Kingpin
DOB: 24 November 1985
Bred, owned and handled by: Mr and Mrs M and S Patterson
Sire: Ch Leegolden Valley King – Dam: Stonebow Partita
Australian Champion Perrecca Dorchester

DOB: 21 August 1987
Bred by: Mrs C Perry
Owned By: Mr and Mrs F and C Keens
Sire: Keturah Sir Lancelot – Dam: Perrecca Bonnie Kiri
Jukeran Chyzanta Ariki UD

DOB: 3 August 1988
Bred and owned by: Mrs A and Ms J and K Upton
Sire: Ch Smokefire Mashupa UD – Dam: Buffalo Regal Charm CDX
Best in Trial Sydney Royal 1994; Best in Trial Sydney Royal 1996; Best in Trial Canberra Royal 1996
Best in Trial Sydney Royal 1997
Multi Gold Medallion winner, NSW State Obedience Titles – 33 Best in Trials over 10 years
Nunkeri Golden Shane UD
DOB: 14 May 1989
Bred by: Owned by:
Sire: Karrell Impact UD – Dam: Queenlee Xfor Expensive UD
Multi All Breeds BIS winner; Multi Specialty winner

DOB: 16 January 1991
Bred by: Mr and Mrs A and H Morris (UK)
Owned by: Mrs J Dixon and Mrs L Patterson
Sire: Eng Ch Linchael Conspiracy of Chevanne – Dam: Sansue Golden Gloria of Sandusky

DOB: 12 May 1992
Bred and owned by: Mrs A and Ms J and K Upton
Sire: Karrell Impact UD – Dam: Buffalo Regal Charm, CDX
As a dam she produced:
13 Companion Dog Titles; 13 Companion Dog Excellent Titles; 4 Utility Dog Titles – UD
3 Obedience Champion Titles and 3 Australian Champion Titles
DOB: 7 June 1993
Bred and owned by: Mr and Mrs FT and BJ Hession
Sire: Goldtreve Gamekeeper – Dam: Alubyc Maid for Goldtreve
Winner of 30 All Breeds BIS
Semi-Specialty and R/U BIS winner
1977, 78 and 79 Pal/National Dog Best Golden Retriever
DOB: 17 December 1995
Bred and owned by: Mr and Mrs FT and BJ Hession
Sire: Eng Ch Camrose Cabus Christopher – Dam: Ch Montego Maple Syrup
Multi All Breeds BIS and Specialty BIS winner
BIS Inaugural United Retriever Club Championship Show
DOB: 7 December 1996
Owned, bred and handled by: Mrs C Perry
Sire: Grand Ch Deanchel Love Me Tender – Dam: Dykinta Prime Time
Best in Show Golden Retriever Club NSW, 30th April 2000
Best in Show Temora and District ABKC, 14th May 2000
Bitch CC and BOB Hobart Royal, 23rd October 1998
Australian Grand Champion Perrecca Serenade
DOB: 22 August 199
Bred by: Mrs C Perry
Owned by: Mrs W Atkins and Ms V Wilson
Sire: Grand Ch Deanchel Love Me Tender – Dam: Dykinta Prime Time
BIS at Gosford City Canine Club, 23 December 2001
Bitch Challenge and BOB, Brisbane Royal 2003
Bitch Challenge and RUBOB, Sydney Royal 2006
Australian Champion Euraidd Just A Gigolo UD NRA
DOB: 31 January 2001
Bred & owned by: Mrs Jan Dixon & Mrs Louise Patterson
Sire: Avonbreeze Heedless – Dam: Ch Ramgold Ricotta
10 titled progeny