The membership of the Club shall be not less than thirty (30) members having the right to vote at a General Meeting of the Club, provided that at all times, one-half (½) of the Members shall be persons, each of whom is:

  • the registered owner or part owner of a registered dog;  or
  • a member of a household, one of whom is the owner or part owner of a registered dog;  and
  • such dog will be a breed for which the welfare and progress of the Club was established and granted Affiliation to the Royal Canine Council of New South Wales, trading as Dogs NSW.


Applications are to be lodged on the Club’s official Membership Form and must be signed by two (2) current financial members. One member will nominate the applicant and the other will second the nomination. Membership applications are tabled at the next General Meeting and are published in the Club’s monthly newsletter. This allows all current members to give feedback on any new application. Current members then vote on new member applications at a General Meeting.  When this process is completed applicants will be notified by the Club Secretary as to whether their application has been successful.


  • Single or Dual Membership for Australian Residents:  $60.00 – which includes a $20.00 joining fee.
  • Pensioner Membership for Australian Residents:  $30.00 – which includes a $10.00 joining fee.
  • Junior Membership for Australian Residents:  $7.50.
  • The membership year is based on a financial year – 1st July to 30th June. 

If you are renewing & or a new membership use the form below

2024-2025 Membership form NEW

2024-2025 Membership form RENEWAL

The Golden Retriever Club of NSW Inc. welcomes applications for membership
from all golden retriever enthusiasts.